Sunday, March 22, 2009

I know..more coming

Sorry gang. Been a busy time fighting with CSI. Have some ideas for some topical posts. Check back later tonight. (watching some local dudes get shit-canned right now) Strongbow, tequila shots and mixed company. Infidels. (I am having an over priced coffee) What is awesome is they are speaking English for some reason!


Anonymous said...

we are all ears :P

BTW, the Phil Defranco show that you recommended on the side bar is awesome...

Reality Check said...

Sorry for the delay. Had some net/DU issues the past few days. Posts coming. Glad you checked out the PhilyD show. I get a kick out of it. What I thought was strange is that his audience is mostly teens (according to his Forums). I am mid-30s and thought his discussions were quite relevant and topical. I thought a little too deep for teens.