I have to say I have been a bit of a passive follower of this story, but only because the facts and the whole story are never printed. As you can read in the attached link, the asshole husband as well as the mistress' family confirms HE was screwing around. Regardless of who the cheater is/was, this story is so amazing, even Amnesty International considers Marnie Pearce a "prisoner of conscience".
What is shocking (maybe not) is the degree of cover-up or lack of publication of the facts. Very sad indeed, that authorities think it is better to jail a woman, separate her from her kids and ruin lives. All this while the beach-sex couple gain celebrity status and have their case dismissed. What the hell kind of world is this? These ridiculous laws and rulings are what is printed in countries with a free press. If the powers that be had an ounce of common sense and decency, they would think for a second what they are doing to their image.
Still from the video of kids being taken away.
Stories like this make me puke on my shoes. I could not even watch the 2 minute video past the one minute mark. Shame, shame, shame. This case LITERALLY means a man can have an affair, give the cops a few used rubbers and tell them it was his wife that did it.
Personally, I think the woman's story is 100% true and the prick she married should be hunted down. Good thing the UK papers printed then names and story, hopefully this dude's career will be ruined. You can sign the petition to have Marnie freed.
Here is the article, which BTW has been vetted by "real papers as well.
I just decided, he's this week's 'hole as well. And I forgot to include his picture and name. His little tartlet is in the pic as well...
I agree, this is one of the worst travesties of justice I can recall in recent years. I'm surprised it hasn't had more coverage in the UK especially - if it had maybe instant deportation would have replaced the jail time, it's happened before.
Let's hope Marnie gets legal help when she's back in the UK and gets the kids back, plus compensation from her prick of a husband.
@Seabee Unfortunately I guess sex and scandal sell better than these tales. What is sad is that the poor kids will be devastated. Their lives and their mum's life is screwed. If ANYONE should cash in fromthe tabloids it should be her. Forget the losers on the beach making money back home.
Hopefully this prick's face and name and company (Procter and Gamble) will be splashed everywhere and he will be ruined. I am doing my part by publishing this piece.
As indicated, the kids are UK citizens, so I call double-shame on the British embassy for not pulling their fingers out. I, for one would be making the stink of the century if it were my family involved. K
From the very first days when this case got published... I was sure that this guy is being nasty...
lets not get into the topic who is involved in Adultery.. but this sick guy as a FATHER can't he care for the consequences his little two kids seeing their mother thrown in jail!!!!
trust me, when those two little fellas became aware and mature enough they will abandon their sick father no doubt...
I am one of the group who are supporting Marnie, Laith and Ziad. I loved your down to earth comments and your observations. I cold not agree more, the guy is a hole of epic proportions.
I hope Ihab drowns in his own disgusting mess that HE has created. The people who really care will rescue the boys and if I have my way I will be the one with my foot on his head to keep in the shit! Only when I know he has stopped breathing will I remove my foot. And yes the boys will one day cut all ties from this sick man and abandon him just as he abandoned his OWN mother, and his wife, in favour of his American and Filipino lovers. He has no morals, no conscience and no integrity, and very soon now he is going to lose any credibility he had, and this is not going to go away like he thinks it will.
@ Anonymous. Bless you for your efforts. Like I said, regardless of adultery, etc. a family has been destroyed. Jackoffs like Ihab always get theirs in the end. With an ego like his and lack of conscience, he will end up on the wrong side of the law at some point. With any luck, he will end up someone's bitch in an Arab prison.
I can only hope that my miniscule article has helped the cause in some way. Maybe he will be recognised and shunned, maybe he will lose a business deal. Who knows.
Press is the best way to expose these stories and these assholes. Hopefully Ihab can be shamed into doing the right thing and reuniting the boys with their mom.
I heard this guy is carrying a Canadian Passport. The Canadian press is not shy about printing stuff like this, they just need to be aware. RC
You have made a very sad tale readable and I applaud you...I also try to help in any way I can for Marnie's situation but the British governemnt are assholes and dont do anything really to help. I hope the bastard gets his comeuppance sooner rather than later annd his lover is hounded day and night but most of all I hope Marnie and her boys get justice very very soon.
@ Anon 2:13...Thanks for the comment. It is unfortunate that the British Embassy will not comment or help. If Amnesty International is involved, you would think the politicians would see a worthwhile effort.
Fortunately, the press outside the UAE has done a good job at naming and shaming the bastard and his mistress. I think Ihab has done a good job of digging his own grave in business and social circles. If the children are carrying UK passports, the government SHOULD step in to ensure they are not spirited away to a life of hell with their father. There is no way they will ever forget what their father has done.
RC, wow your great ...thanks for your very honest remarke and for highlighting this case Team Marnie thank you ....and yes one day the A hole will get everything due ....he will become the prisoner in Dubai coz when M gets out the battle will really begin ...this story will not go away and he will be known as an A hole for the rest of his days .....the boys will leave him one day ...like a rat from a sinking ship ....justice will be done and he will be exposed for the evil piece of shit he is ....
I love your blog will be bac for more ...when done for speaking out ....
Can't you please put this video on 'youtube'??
She needs as much attention as possible and I can't figure out to do it. On youtube is this video only in very bad quality and without sound.
I think, that would really make a difference.
The video, and I mean the whole video will be shown again. Bear with Team Marnie as we do have far more up our sleeves ;-) Once this is done I will personally make sure that everyone in the free world gets the chance to see it. Thanks for your support X
It is disgusting to see such monumental injustice and cruelty. An Absolute sham!! He is a dirty rat and he surely needs to be dug in from all ends! He did ruin his children's future in terms of the psychological trauma that was caused to them. Men like him are nothing but garb and selfish pricks who think of themselves first. WHy is he with this other woman...did he marry her or she is his keep?? Where is religion now. such people use religion for their dirty means and they are the doomed and the cursed ones. Curse on him!!!
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